Special Offer for users of Evan Designs Model Builder Program

Available for most of our N, HO, OO and O scale model plan packages are importable templates for the popular Evan Designs Model Builder software program. These files import into the Model Builder program to allow you to easily create a customized cardstock version of our plans. These importable templates may also work with other graphics manipulation programs as well.

The MB template files are not factored into the price of our plans, but are available as a free gift to our customers and licensed users of Evan's Designs Model Builder software. No warranty is implied for these template files. We reserve the right to discontinue or revoke this free offer without prior notice.


Cardstock model using Model Builder software Cardstock model using Model Builder Software Cardstock model using Model Builder Software
Plan 2455 Plan 1224 Plan 879
The MB Templates are available by request, at any time within 30 days of purchasing your plan set from ScaleModelPlans.com, by completing the online request form. The templates will be sent by email, usually the same day.

The files are not intended to be used as standalone products, as some of the assembly or detail  information is included in the main set of plans, so please refer to the originally downloaded plan files.
  • Although these templates are free to purchasers of our related product files they are still protected by International Copyright laws and are not to be re-distributed.
  • From time to time software developers may update their products, causing incompatibility or unexpected results. We have no control over those situations and offer no guarantee that our templates will work in all situations. There will no refunds should this situation occur, but every endeavor will be made to keep these template files current.
Thank you for visiting! Yes, we like to sell plans, but we also like it when visitors browse through our catalog pages and tutorials just to look.  If you know someone else who might be interested in visiting our site, please pass the word around. Tell them about ScaleModelPlans.com. We appreciate the support.
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